Make It Rain | A Masterclass In Generating Unique Copy Angles


The best way to set your work apart from others and stay ahead of the competition (AI included) — is by being unique and original in your copy.

By discovering what makes “unique copy” tick, you can…

  • Come up with never-before-seen angles to keep your writing fresh

  • Give your copy a sense of novelty that makes it more impactful not only to your readers but also to your clients (making you their go-to copywriter)

  • (PLUS) watch as others come to you for advice on how to write copy “like you do”

If you want your copy to stand out… to blow your clients’ minds... and to not worry about AI getting in the way…

Join Rod Satterwhite in this 33-minute masterclass and learn his bullet-proof method for keeping your copy unique.

(NOTE: This masterclass is also available on our Patreon. Cancel anytime.)

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Do you ever catch yourself reading your copy and thinking, “Doesn’t all of this sound the exact same?”

Or when you’re writing, do you get stuck in a cycle of the same vague concepts and recycled angles that seem way too cliche?

Then, perhaps you’ve overlooked a crucial factor about this business.

Because there’s really only one thing you need to understand:

Copywriting is NOT about writing words…

It’s about creating ideas.

If you don’t know how to create original ideas, then you’ll never be able to write unique copy…

In fact, unique copy angles can ONLY come from good ideas.

That’s why AI will never replace the best copywriters (and why AI writing always sounds the same…) Because AI can’t come up with original ideas.

So, if you’re looking to impress your clients with unique copy and stay far ahead of the competition (including AI)…

Listen to Rod…

The man that even brands like NIKE have recognized as good enough to generate ideas and angles for them.

And today he wants to show you how he does it.

In this masterclass you will…

Discover How to Generate Ideas That Allow You To Write Unique Copy

  • [0:40] — PLUS, uncover why the key to writing unique copy is something 99% of copywriters will never understand (apart from you)

  • [4:14] — WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT “IDEAS” IS WRONG. Watch as Rod redefines what an “idea” is and DISCOVER how you can apply his definition the next time you’re faced with a blank page.

  • [6:18] — WHY “NEW” IS NOT SO NEW. Learn the 3 fundamental ways that top-tier copywriters use to generate ideas and why you actually need to focus on 2 of them.

  • [14:03] — “I DIDN’T KNOW HE WAS A DJ”. Watch how Rod “remixes” a headline and brings a completely unique angle to life for a survival promo — PROVING that being original doesn’t have to be difficult.

  • [19:40] — TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE. Discover Rod’s favorite method for BEATING the competition and AI in just 1 minute!

  • [29:30] — WARNING! The one thing you should NEVER do when trying to write unique copy for your clients. It could be a death sentence for your career.

Don't let your copywriting journey be defined by the ordinary.

If you want your copy to excel and leave an imprint on the clients you work with, but you’ve been struggling to break out of the “same old copy” cycle…

Then this masterclass will give you the tools to keep your copy fresh, unique, and impervious to the “threat” of uncreative AI or 99% of “regular” copywriters.

Order now to get started.

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